Friday, November 29, 2019

Training and Institutional Performance in National Social free essay sample

These include financial performance, product market performance and shareholder return. As the business environment hangers, the survival of firms will depend on their ability to understand and manage their key assets. When there is proper alignment between the knowledge management and business strategy, then organizations move towards superior performance (Median and Earlier, 1987). The goal of improving organizational performance is to ensure that the organization designs processes well and systematically monitors, analyzes, and improves its performance. This involves measuring the functioning of important processes and services, and, identifying changes that enhance performance all of which are determined by management Managerial competencies are sets of knowledge, skills, competencies. Behaviors, and attitudes that person needs to be effective in a wide range of managerial Jobs and various types of organizations. Pounded (2000) asserts that strategic skills are of particular importance since they relate to setting of key objectives based on an understanding of what is happening inside and outside the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Training and Institutional Performance in National Social or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Pounded adds that task related skills encompass functional and operational competencies which enable one to define the best approach to achieving objectives, given the resources available and people related skills. According to Zacchary, Raritan Marks (2001), managerial competencies provide a sound basis for an effective performance management development program. As a consequence of declining resource level, organizations have sought to improve the efficacy of resource use in their institutions. Organizations have engaged in performance assessment with the intention of using the results as management information for improving institutional performance (Zacchary, 2001). NSF Performance report (2010) pep acts that the institutions performance tort the last 5 years ( not been to the standard due to failure to meet the set targets. Within that period, the Fund registered a 5-25% deviations from the set targets against actual amounts collected. Annual Report, (2009) depicts that member statements which are supposed to be annually delivered have continued to encounter delays. However, according to Commercial reports, it has been noted that most employers have been defaulting for quite a long period due to the Funds failure to have in place a tracking mechanism to identify defaulters, hence making it hard to meet the set targets. This is also attributed to, failure to have sufficient policies as well as high labor turn over within the organization. According to NSF Benefits Report NSF (2009), it is stated that, delays in processing members claims have created total public dissatisfaction. This is as a result of the Funds failure to have in place a tracking system to identify and clean up members statements that are encroaching the retirement age before their claims are logged on. 1. 2 Problem Statement NSF has been shaken up by numerous scandals that include; resistance from staff, inadequate skills, unethical members of management and unreasonable remuneration deals to staff among others that has led into poor staffing, (NSF Performance Report, 2010). Customer complaints have persistently increased regarding untimely delivery of incomplete member statements as well as delays in benefits processing. This is as a result of managements failure to identify specialized competencies to meet the demands of the clients, employing staff without the required skills to perform their Jobs as well managements failure to realize that competent staff are a key to future success of the organization. According to Commercial Reports, the Fund has in the past 5 years registered a 5-25% deviations from the set targets against actual amounts collected and this has been largely attributed to its management failure to have in place a tracking mechanism to identify defaulters, hence making it hard to meet the set targets.

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